Lions Club of Lake Zurich

Vision and Low Hearing

As part of Lions Clubs International, the Lions Club of Lake Zurich is proud to offer many services surrounding Vision and Low Hearing.

Eye Glass and Hearing Aid Recycling

Through our partnership with the Lions of Illinois Foundation and Lions Clubs International, we proudly accept all used Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids.  These donations are then refurbished, catalogued, and given out to those who need them.  Find out more at the links below:

Lions of Illinois Foundation - Recycling Programs

Lions Clubs International - Eye Glass Recycling Centers

Locations for Local Donations

Lake Zurich Lions Den - 81 E. Main Street

Walmart - Lake Zurich, Il

America's Best - Lake Zurich, Il

Vision Works - Deerpark, Il

Ela Area Library - Lake Zurich, Il

And Others

Eye Glass Assistance Program

We offer eye glass purchasing and exam assistance.  Through our partnership with several optometrists in the greater Lake Zurich area, we help those in need get eye exams and with the purchase of one pair of basic eye glasses.  

**Unfortunately we cannot afford to do this for everyone.  The program is need based and also on the available funds the club has. 

Hearing Aid Assistance Program

We offer hearing aid assistance for adults and children. 

For adults we help get hearing exams and purchase refurbished hearing aids through the Lions of Illinois Foundation. 

For children under the age of 18, the process is a bit longer and more intense due to federal and state regulations.  We will still help get exams, but all hearing aids must be new and molded to the child.  These hearing aides are MUCH more expensive, so availability is more limited.

**Unfortunately we cannot afford to do this for everyone.  The program is need based and also on the available funds the club has.  

Lions Club of Lake Zurich

P.O. Box 222 Lake Zurich, IL 60047

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