Lions Club of Lake Zurich

Lions of Illinois Candy Day!

Candy Day is a state wide fundraising effort for all Lions Clubs of Illinois.  Funds raised through this event are placed in the Lions of Illinois Endowment Fund.  The principal investment is never touched, the interest on the fund is what the Lions of Illinois Foundation uses to operate various programs throughout the state.  These programs include Camp Lions, Hearing and Low Vision Screenings, Eye Glass and Hearing Aid Recycling, and much more. 

To learn more about the Lion of Illinois Foundation, please visit their website at:

Historically we have raised funds by standing on street corners near you and selling our famous mints, tootsie rolls, and suckers.  Now we do that, stand at grocery stores, and ask for donations. 

Please help us reach our goal of $2000 by the end of October!

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Donation Goal

Collected: $0.00
Goal: $2,000.00

Lions Club of Lake Zurich

P.O. Box 222 Lake Zurich, IL 60047

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